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Susan Quinn - Best Personal Life Coach and Therapist
Psychotherapist,Life Coach, EFT, EMDR
Looking for an online therapist? You found the right place. Schedule Your Free Consult Today.


Do you find yourself creating the same stressful relationships and situations over and over again?

My first goal is to help you feel relief from your pain. This happens right away because of the cutting edge therapies that I use. The work that we do together taps into the subconscious to relax the mind and body and provide relief from longstanding issues.

Until we tap into the subconscious, we all hold some form of self-limiting beliefs that prevent us from reaching our full potential:

Through years of experience working with hundreds of clients, I’ve seen how powerful it is when these beliefs are released. When the subconscious is free from negative thought patterns, we naturally connect with our inner strength, confidence, and self-worth—paving the way for the life we truly desire.

Do you find yourself drawn to the same stressful relationships or situations over and over again?

Do fears and anxiety keep you from fully enjoying life?

Have you tried traditional talk therapy but still feel stuck in the same patterns?

The good news is that it’s not your fault—and you don’t have to stay stuck in this cycle. There is a way out, and I’m here to help guide you through it.


When you become my client, we enter into a relationship

The relationship might be shorter or longer in duration, but I like to think of my practice as a “home base” for you that you can return to when you need it. Client often tell me that having this reassurance gives them a sense of connection that is very healing for them. One of the highest compliments to me is when clients return to do another piece of work with me, or when they refer a friend or colleage to me. I think they recommend me because they know they’re in good hands with me- but you’d have to ask them to know for sure
Susan Quinn Life Coaching Services

Looking for an online therapist in LA

Looking for an online therapist? You found the right place. Schedule Your Free Consult Today- (310) 600-3458
Click the link below if you want to Schedule Your Free Consult Today susanquinn.net/contact-us or give me a call at 310-600-3458 to discuss how I might be of help to you.


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What Our Clients Says

SUSAN QUINN- EMDRIA certified therapist

Feeling stuck, like this can't be life?

Susan Quinn - Best Personal Life Coach and Therapist, EMDRIA certified therapist


Santa Monica, Brentwood, Pacific Palisades, West Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Century City & Culver City.

Empty nest syndrome, Mid life Crisis, Divorce, Blended family adjustment and organization

Clients often think that if they let go of their self-hatred, or anger, or fear, they will lose their identity. I get excited to lead clients to the truth that lives under these feelings of fear and anger. When we do this together, I feel such gratitude and admiration for the beauty of our pure nature which has always been there and is just waiting to be discovered.

This feeling is what keeps me so excited about the work we do together!

If you would like to explore how you can have more ease in your life,I invite you to contact me for a complementary consultation to see how I can assist you.

For over 20 years Susan Quinn has been providing Psychotherapy and Life Coaching Services serving the areas of Santa Monica, Brentwood, Pacific Palisades, West Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Century City and Culver City. She also has sessions on the phone and Skype.

What is EMDR Therapy?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy is an evidence-based therapy that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma. It has helped millions of people heal from challenging clinical conditions such as trauma, PTSD, panic, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, addictions, dissociation and so much more.
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