Remove Relationship Fears to Attract the Relationship You Deserve
Relationship Problems Answers
When to Leave Relationships After a breakup or a divorce we feel more vulnerable in attracting a person with whom to have a relationship. I work with many women who feel that they are somehow flawed when a relationship ends. These feelings often keeps these women from trying to meet people or cause them to fail when they do. EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques and it is a wonderful energy therapy that is simple and easy to learn. Its purpose is to move fear and other negative emotions through and out of the body.
In EFT we tell the body what feelings we want to reduce by acknowledging them and then deleting them. This is similar to the way we highlight and delete text on a computer. We acknowledge our feelings by using this formula, ” even though I have this (fear, sadness..etc.) I deeply and completely love and accept myself.” This sentence is repeated three times as we tap our hand on the Karate Chop point.
Step 1: Karate Chop Point and “Even Though” Statements
The Karate Chop point is below the little finger and it is along the side of the hand. Once you have found the Karate Chop point, start tapping at this point and repeat after me:
- Even though I often feel unworthy of having a loving intimate relationship, I want to completely accept myself anyway.
- Even though I feel unlovable, I completely accept myself now.
- Even though, I don’t feel like anyone would stay with me if they really knew me, I want to deeply and completely accept myself now.
Step 2: Tapping Around the points on The Face to Reduce Negative Emotion and relationship fears
This step requires us to acknowledge negative feelings, thus as we tap we are must highlight these negative emotions.
- Now tapping on the inside corner of the eyebrow “EB” and repeat after me: I don’t deserve to have someone I would want to be with.
- Next find the outside corner of the eye “CE” and repeat after me: “A great person wouldn’t want me.”
- Next find the area under the eye “UE” and repeat after me: ” I am only attractive to loosers.”
- Next find the area under the nose “UN” and repeat after me: “I’m afraid if I meet someone good they will find out that I’m flawed.
- Finally, find the collar bone “CB” and repeat after me : It’s pointless to even try because all the good ones are already taken anyway.”
Step 3: Acknowledgement of Positive Thoughts and Feelings
By now we have already acknowledge out negative feelings. Now we want to reduce and replace those thoughts with positive ones.
- Start by finding the top of your head, “TH.” Ones you find it, repeat after me: What if a good person was able to really love me after all?
- Under the arm “UA” (Take a moment to inhale deeply here): What if someone desirable was able to love me?
- Next find the eyebrow, “EB” then repeat after me: what if that could really happen once or twice or even three times? (Keep tapping ) Is it possible?
- What if they could like me with all my faults and negative traits?
- What if they actually liked my negative traits? What if I actually enjoyed the things about them that they didn’t like ?
- What if they found my negative traits delightful?
- What if they accepted all my shortcomings and I accepted theirs as well.What if they wanted me even thought I have all these challenges?
- What if they were accepting of their own problems and mine as well?
- What if I could see beyond their frailties and challenges and they could see beyond mine as well?
- What if I could accept their challenges and quirks and could see their spiritual being?
- What if I could love their soul and we could just simply love each other in pure acceptance?
- Isn’t that what we all want anyway?
If you do this tapping sequence every day at least once you will change the beliefs that you have about yourself thus enabling you to have the relationship you deserve and desire.
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