Process Addictions like gambling, sexting, internet addiction respond well to treatment of EMDR for Addictions.
There are 2 types of addictions: addictions to a substance and Process addictions such as Gambling, Internet addiction, Sexting and many others. People often replace one addiction with another. For example, if a person stops drinking he often will pick up another addiction like food , shopping sexting if he has not elimintated the need that the drinking was fulfilling. This is why this type of therapy is needed for recovery along with AA. There is always an underlying anxiety or need that arose in the person or a memory or trauma that causes the compulsion to use substances.
EMDR is a fast and effective way to diminish the charge or power of cravings. EMDR reprocesses trauma in the limbic system of the brain where anxiety is held. Alcohol and drugs are often used to lessen the anxiety a person is experiencing.
EMDR can reduce the negative and self difference between cognitive therapy andmind-body therapies?
Cognitive therapy would appeal to your conscious mind, saying something like “Statistically, you are less likely to crash in an airplane than you are to get struck by lightening” Your conscious mind knows this already, so why are you still afraid of flying. To reduce the fear you need to work with the sensations which are held in a different part of the brain than thoughts. Trauma (fear) is held in the Right Brain and Language and logic are held in the Left Brain. We can see from brain scans trauma that is unprocessed in the Right Brain because the right brain lights up. After the trauma has been processed the brain scan shows that this area is normal. This is why the somatic and mind-body or energy therapies have emerged in recent years to treat trauma (fear). Dr. Daniel Amen’s work shows brain scans of the brain when a person focuses on an unresolved trauma and compares that to a brain scan of the same person after the trauma has been processed with mind-body therapies.