Do people really expect New Years Resolutions to stick anymore? Most of us probably have given up on the whole idea because it has fizzled so many times in the past. Do you think that real change is just too difficult to attempt?
Maybe the reason that most resolutions fail is because we have been given wrong information on how change happens.
Coaching people for 15 years I have seen some tips used which actually helped my clients keep their resolutions.
These are surprising because they are counter intuitive. They can also be applied to any changes you would like to make.
1.) Commit to a direction and not a specific thing.
Most advice tells you to be very specific and detailed in writing your New Year Resolutions. The reason for a direction is that unless you are clairvoyant, you don’t actually have any idea what’s going to happen in the future.
Try this experiment:
Think of a time you expected your future to look exactly like ______________? Go ahead and fill in the blank. So I ask you, “Did it turn out like you pictured it?”
So with a direction you allow for the creative wisdom of the universe to bring you amazing, wonderful events, people and situations that you could not even imagine in your wildest dreams.
2). Create your emotional state before you do anything.
Create your emotional state before you do anything. I am a firm believer in the principles of NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming). One of the main concepts of NLP is that “Everything comes from state” (feeling states). What that means is that whatever state you are in determines how you are going to do whatever you do.
This means that if you get yourself in a state of abundance and gratitude for your abundance(whatever that is at the moment) you will pull situations to you that contain all kinds of abundance, when you least expect it.
We all have so many blessings and focusing on them will bring more of the same.
More recent research in the field of science, especially epigenetics has validated further how important our emotional states are on our health and behavior.
We now know from the new field of epigenetics that our feeling states actually influence how our cells behave. Dr Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist who taught at the University of Michigan Medical School and conducted pioneering studies with stem cells at Stanford University wrote The Biology of Belief. In this book and in his videos in he explains the science of Epigenetics. Epigenetics explains how our thoughts, feelings and beliefs and our very environment control our biology. This affects both our emotional and physical well being.
Dr Lipton explains epigenetics in this 4 minute video
Because your state is so vitally important to your level of manifestation and success and happiness I suggest to my coaching clients that they spend the first 6 minutes that they are awake doing specific things to get themselves in a resourceful state. ( This is the most powerful time of the day because the veil between the conscious and unconscious mind is very thin at this time).
And you may be wondering how anything significant can happen that fast. Believe me if you know how to do it, it does happen that fast.
And don’t take my word for it- try it yourself. I promise you that if you commit to doing this for 2 weeks, with the understanding that you will evaluate it in 2 weeks to see whether you want to keep it or not, you will be pleasantly surprised at the new things that come into your life.
The best part of doing this is that it brings surprising things into your life. This gives you a new sense of vitality! Try it and you’ll see…
3) Tap daily to create your most resourceful emotional state and remove fear.
As you have probably surmised by now, I believe in the law of attraction. So my last tip is to tap every time you are overcome with the harmful emotions of fear, shame, humiliation, anger, worry and resentment.
These feelings will just bring you more of the same unwanted emotions so lets get rid of them as soon as we are aware of them.
There’s a process to tap which releases emotions that are unwanted . The process is called EFT tapping or Emotional Freedom Techniques.
I teach this to all my clients because it is so helpful. And I use it myself every day.
In the EFT community we call it creating good feelings for no reason, because there are always good feelings lying just underneath these painful ones. Most people don’t realize that or they would tap more often!
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